MSU ranks THE University Impact Rankings 2022 by leaps and bounds

Mahasarakham University has been ranked by the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2022 by climbing from the original 801 – 1000, moving up the rankings to 301 – 400 with a total score of 73 points from a full 100 points and being ranked 5th at the national level. The best rank was Goal 14, ranked No. 52 in the world, considered a huge success in the implementation of the 17 SDGs. It is a great achievement resulting from the cooperation of all agencies under the organization.

The details from the best goals out of 17 goals are as follows:

1. Goal 14: LifeBelow Water ranked 52nd in the world.
2. Goal 1: No Poverty ranked 301 – 400 in the world.
3. Goal 2: Zero Hunger is ranked 101 – 200 in the world.
4. Goal 5: Gender Equality is ranked 101 – 200 in the world.
5. Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production Ranked 101 –200 in the world.
6. Goal 15: Life On Land is ranked 101 – 200 in the world.
7. Goal 4: Quality Education ranked 301–400 in the world.
8. Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation ranked 301–400 in the world.
9. Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, ranked 301–400 in the world.
10. Goal 13: Climate Action ranked 301–400 in the world.
11. Goal 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutes ranked 301 – 400 in the world.
12. Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals ranked 401 – 600 in the world.
13. Goal 3: Good Health is ranked 601 – 800 in the world.
14. Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth ranked 401 – 600 in the world.
15. Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure ranked 601+ in the world.
16. Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities Ranked 601+ in the World
17. Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities ranked 601+ in the world.

There were 1,406 universities participating in the rankings out of 106 countries around the world. This year, the number of universities in Thailand that participated in the ranking has increased from 25 to 51.

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Translator: Kanyakorn Chukhanhom

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